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Pregnancy Progress

Sun. April 11, 2010 - 7:33AM

The first 24 hours with Kyler went well. Mommy is feeling good. Baby is starting to nurse fairly consistently. We get to go home around 2:00 today!

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 5:42PM

Kyler Andrew Porter has arrived!! 6 lbs. 6 oz. 20 inches. Mommy and baby are doing fine!!

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 5:00PM

Ashley is completely dilated!

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 3:00PM

Contractions had slowed from the Epidural but they've picked back up and they're stronger (Ashley still can't feel them though). Good signs. The nurse said "I'd be shocked if you don't have this baby before midnight." .... good to know.

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 2:36PM

Small hiccup with the Epidural, but that's fixed. No real progress at the moment but they're planning on checking again around 3:30.

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 12:30PM

Epidural is in, and Ashley is resting again.

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 11:15AM

Water broke (via help from the doc). Contractions are harder and epidural is requested.

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 8:55AM

Ashley is just resting now - not too much pain yet. Still a ways to go. Contractions are about 2 to 3 minutes apart.

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 7:45AM

The Pitocin is working its magic. Ashley's contractions are now about 3 minutes apart - steady.

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 6:30AM

Pitocin started. Because she was so sensitive to the Cervidil, they're starting with a very low dose of Pitocin (6ml/hr).

Fri. April 9, 2010 - 5:00AM

Ashley's contractions got stronger throughout the night, but they are still sporadic. They plan on administering the Pitocin around 6 this morning.

Thurs. April 8, 2010 - 8:00PM

Ashley is still having small contractions, even without the Cervidil. They will start Pitocin in the morning - probably at 5AM. Time to get some rest!

Thurs. April 8, 2010 - 7:40PM

The Cervidil was supposed to stay in all night but after 2 hours the doctor ordered it out, because her contractions were running every 5 to 7 minutes.

Thurs. April 8, 2010 - 5:30PM

Ashley is still feeling fine. Doctor gave her Cervidil.

Thurs. April 8, 2010 - 4:00PM

Checked in at the hospital

Thurs. April 8, 2010

Ashley had another doctor's appointment this morning and the doctor says its time! Her blood pressure is creeping back up and he wants to incude tomorrow. We're headed to the hospital at 3PM this afternoon.


Mon. April 5, 2010

Ashley went to the doctor this morning expecting him to set a date to induce. Instead her BP is still good and the baby is doing fine so they set up another appointment for Thursday. Looks like Kyler will be arriving closer to the due date - April 15. We will see!

Easter Sun. April 4, 2010

This week, Ashley's doctors appointments were good. Her blood pressure is still a little high but not dangerous. But the doctor said we'd 'throw in the towel' next week. So, Monday morning Ashley goes back to the doctor for her next appointment. Most likely we'll decide on a day to induce then. Looks like Kyler will arrive in the next 7 days!

Sat. March 20, 2010

Not much has changed in the past 9 days. We're still waiting. Ashley is still at home on bed rest until the baby comes along. As of Ashley's last doctor's appointment, her blood pressure was better than it was before, but still not perfect. Apparently being at home instead of at work has helped a bit. The doc still says he's going to "take the baby early". He wasn't sure if it would be a normal birth or a C-section.

Back on March 7, my friend David Abel and his wife Kristy came over and took some great photos of Ashley (me and Shugz got in some too). You can see those here. They were generous enough to give us all the digital files of those photos, so if anyone wants prints just let me know.

Everything is going good, except for this past Monday night. Ashley got a bad headache that she couldn't shake. We waited for hours, tried some Tylenol but it was just getting worse. Finally around 11:00 she called the doctor and they told her to come in to the hospital. Her blood pressure was up (164/104) but everything else seemed ok. They gave her an IV and some Perkiset and that seemed to do the trick. We spent the night there in the hospital and she was feeling much better in the morning. I think she was reluctant to even call the doctor that night, but I encouraged her to go ahead and call. Better safe than sorry, right? Guess we just showed our inexperience with the whole pregnancy thing.

Also, that morning, Ashley had another doctors appointment. Everything looked good with the baby. He's still a little small (when compared to the averages at this stage of pregnancy). The doctor estimated he was about 5 pounds. But for the past few weeks Ashley has been a little more hungry than usual and she's gaining weight quicker so I expect little Kyler will be gaining some good weight over these last few days.

Oh, and this morning I actually got up early on a Saturday to try this Boot Camp for New Dads. I think it was well worth a few hours of my Saturday. Got to sit around and talk to other Dads-to-Be and a few new Dads volunteered to come in and tell us about how our life was about to change. Good times!

Thurs. March 11, 2010

We took Ashley to her doctor's appointment this morning. She's doing about the same - still has high blood pressure which is probably what is causing sporadic headaches. (For those who don't already know, Ashley is no longer working and is on bed rest - doctors orders.) She doesn't want to take anything other than Tylenol which doesn't do much for the pain. The doctor said he would admit her to the hospital today if she wanted to be there instead of at home, but she said she'd rather stay at home as long as possible. So we continue to wait and let the baby brew.

The doctor says the baby is fine and he could "take the baby" any time now, but would rather try and wait as long as possible since it's still a little early. She has another appointment scheduled for Monday so we'll see how things go until then.

According to, Kyler should weigh about 5.25 pounds now and he's about 18 inches long. Learn more about week 35.



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Last updated:

April 24, 2010 10:56 AM

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